Chapter 56- Retrieval

The first day in the temple ends not necessarily pleasant at all. Kuronue's behavior left Youko quite sad, and triggered the red alert among the others. Yomi was the least worried of all, although he tended to be the most targeted precisely because he's the cause that prevents Kuronue and Youko from joining again.

As usual, they all went to sleep. The bedrooms in the apartments are for one person, for two people, and one admits up to three people. Yomi and Shura were alone in one of them, sharing the same bed. Kurama and Botan shared the bed in the same room as Byakuya and Shiori, and Kuronue took the third room.
Kuronue's feelings about Kurama became more and more accentuated. But now, it is clear, with a definite enemy and an easy goal to be fulfilled;

-I cannot handle it any longer... I must destroy this barrier before it destroys me...

In an inconsequential and psychotic decision, Kuronue gets up and picks up his dagger, heading for Yomi's room, silently entering. Shura was sleeping, hugging his father, and Yomi appears to be sleeping deeply;

-If I don't make any noise, I can end it now!- Kuronue thinks.

He comes closer to Yomi, and raises his dagger over his chest, which is covered only by a thin blanket. His decision has no return;

-Damn you, damn you!

Kuronue applies all his force in the dagger, but when it hits the blanket, as soon as it pierces it, the dagger shatters violently, causing Kuronue to fall to the floor;

-But... what the hell was that?- Kuronue's a little dizzy.
-How will you know if a blind man is sleeping or not, Kuronue?- Yomi gets up calmly, leaving Shura lying by his side.
-I don't believe I failed!- Kuronue turns to the door, but is stopped by a barrier.
-You must be wondering what happened ... well, Kurama had already warned everyone that you would be a risk, so nothing better than prevent. I kept myself in a waking state, and my filtering barrier discreetly disabled your youkai killer dagger while it has filtered and neutralized its energy. As you started moving it toward me, my barrier retreated and focused only on my body, and released all his energy on the dagger 100 milliseconds before impact, which made it explode and even left my son unconscious by the shock wave. You... should pay more attention to these things. -Yomi smiles.
-Hey, let me go out!-Kuronue tries to push past the barrier.
-You may go. I will come back to sleep, and what has happened today will be only among us. Kurama is already very discouraged.

Yomi undoes the barrier, and Kuronue quickly leaves that bedroom, running out of the temple;

-But... but this damn is invincible, aaarrrggghhh damn!!!

Kuronue doesn't believe that Yomi has became even more powerful. In fact, Kuronue saw little or nothing of Yomi's full power, everything he has used so far has been mere tricks and barriers. The other techniques of higher power cannot be used, as they will damage the temples, and certainly Yomi already has too many things to worry about after what Kuronue did with Byakuya.
Kurama went down the stairs that night to feel the breeze that came from the sea in that place. He was alone, because Botan was very tired and it would not be educated wake her well in the middle of the night;

-Hmm that's nice here... would be nice if Yomitan was built at the seashore ...

Kurama notices a figure passing behind him, and turns himself, trying to identify it. As it approaches the first lamp, he discovers that it is Kuronue;

-Hey Kuronue, wait!- Kurama chases after him.

Kuronue stops running, and just waits for Kurama's arrival;

-Okay, Kuronue, what are you doing outside this time? It's all right?
-Ah Kurama... no...
-Well, do you want to join me? Why don't we walk a little way together, I don't know where... maybe on the mountain?
-It's fine for me.

Kuronue and Kurama begin to climb the road which leads to the mountain's top. The phase of the moon is full, and its brightness is strong;

-Yes, Kurama.
-Youko wants to talk to you, so I'll switch ...
-It's all right.

Youko and Shuichi alternate until only Youko remains;

-Kuronue, please, I want to resolve this issue between you and Yomi today.
-You know I don't feel comfortable about it, Youko...
-There's no room for more trouble, Kuronue, or we'll do it today, or never again.

Kuronue looks thoughtful. He and Youko go up the mountain at a slow pace. Kuronue's black hair appears because of the powerful moonlight. Youko's silver hair glistens. And Kuronue watches it all, reminiscing about the old days when the two worked together to accomplish their goals, and one protected the other from danger;

-Youko ...
-Yes, Kuronue.

Kuronue hugs Youko when they just arrived at the top of the mountain, and cries. It would be extremely inelegant for Youko to deny comfort, which he does;

-Why, why?! We did so many things together... we were great friends, and I almost gave my life to save you from that trap... why do you deny me?! - Kuronue's emotional reaction is intense.

Youko just hugs Kuronue back, he has no answer. For him, the brief attention he gave to his friend was enough, and nothing more was needed. But for Kuronue, a more loyal retribution is vital since they stayed so long far from each other, it would be an immense insensitivity of Youko to ignore him that way;

-I will not be happy to have Yomi as a barrier between me and you, we can be happy again together, Youko... please listen and understand my proposal, you know I want your good and your protection because You are my best friend... and almost my brother!
-Calm down, Kuronue... I didn't say you're disposable, and you know I consider you. Things have changed, today I cannot left (500,000) Yomi for the reasons you already know...
-But I want your full consideration, not just a part...-Kuronue tightens his hug.
Youko caresses his nape, laying Kuronue's head on his right shoulder;
-Ah Kuronue... you will never understand this, my friend... you know I still like you, but you must respect my choice... if you respect it, there would be no problem... what's the difficulty?
-Yomi is cruel...
-Hahaha this shows how misinformed you are... Yomi is very different today, I think this is obvious. When will Makai Yomi have friends like today's Yomi? When did Makai Yomi  would live peacefully among humans? When did Makai Yomi... hug me in the same loving way you are doing now?
-Youko, please...

Kuronue pushes Youko gently until he stands with his back on a tree trunk. He looks deep into his eyes, and Youko repeats the same gesture, while the light breeze that passes randomly shakes their long hair to the point of mixing them. Youko raises one hand, and gently caresses Kuronue's wet face;

-You will remain Kuronue... And Yomi will remain Yomi... he accepted you, Kuronue, why resist it? My friend, please don't go to the wrong path again... you are fantastic and can be an excellent Youkai ...
-I... Youko, I... I cannot accept Yomi... I cannot ...I can not!

Kuronue turns slowly, and moves away from Youko. Youko closes his eyes, avoiding to watch his friend move away toward the temple complex;

-He's very stubborn, even with me ... aahh Kuronue, why are you doing it...

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