Chapter 52- Meeting with an old friend

The place Yomi chose is very beautiful. It is a historic preservation complex, with ancient buildings, like pagodas, temples and shrines and where all people are dressed in traditional han clothing. Women carry flowers and swords with them, and men have very long hair adorned with beautiful crown pieces, and, like women, they wear magnificent hanfu, some with flower patterns and related motifs.
At the reception, Yomi and his friends are told to dress in the same way because the place is scenic, and their presence wearing normal clothes would deprive it;

-Good morning!- A handsome long-haired guy shows up;

-Hi, all right?- Kurama greets him.
-Welcome to our thematic city, my name is Shizu. This city was built more than 1600 years ago, and we all follow the culture and customs of that era, to keep history intact.
-Your clothing are so beautiful, Shizu...- Shiori smiles.
-Hahaha thank you. And that's what I'm going to talk to you about. To respect our traditions, you'll have at your disposal some hanfu models to wear, like mine. In the seashore, normal and bathing clothes are allowed.
-It's all right. Let's do it.
-Well, be welcome and enjoy your stay. Please, follow me.

Shizu makes a brief reverence and walks away. Botan and Shiori admire those beautiful hanfu, and soon they begin to imagine how their husbands would look like after wearing them;

-Byakuya will look so beautiful ...
-And Kurama, aaawwww! 

Shizu guided them to a big room where there are several hanfu and related accessories to pick:

-You can pick any of them at no additional cost. Accessories are included.

All hanfus are wonderful. Kurama helps Yomi to choose one, helped by Botan, who also picks one for Shura. Byakuya and Shiori soon choose theirs as well;

- Very good, I see that Mr. Kurama likes bright and cheerful colors, Mr. Byakuya likes neutral ones. And why Mr. Yomi never opens his eyes?
-I'm blind, that's why they never open.- Yomi smiles.
-But... but you were walking without any assistance!- Shizu doesn't believe.
-I can guide myself by the sound, so I can have a certain level of independence. Kurama is my eye.
-Okay, very good. Well, you are ready to enter our thematic city now. Yousshould go to the reception again, register the hanfu you picked up and choose where you want to stay. If you have any doubts, please refer to me, from now until the end of your stay, I am your loyal servant.
-Okay, Shizu, I'm flattered by your readiness.- Yomi thanks him.
-No problem, enjoy your stay and have fun!
-For sure we will have!

Shizu takes a side access from the room, and goes to the side of one of the temples. Yomi and his group return to the reception, and register the hanfu the picked up. Next, they are led to a kind of locker room just next door, where the hanfus are made available to them;

-Kurama, could you help me?
-Yes, Yomi, no problem.

In addition to the hanfu, visitors must wear wooden sandals instead of sneakers, flip flops or any contemporary footwear. Botan and Shiori have fun making ponytails on Byakuya and Kurama's hair, decorating them extensively using hair accessories.
Yomi keeps his hair unchanged, just like Shura. Kurama helps him to close the Hanfu by tightening the strap that holds it from falling apart on his hip;

-Yomi, you looks perfect!- Botan praises.
-Really? Kurama's merit, he chose this clothing.
-I knew he has good taste, hahaha!

Botan, who is used to wear only hanfu, teaches others how to arrange their outfit perfectly. She also tightens the strap that holds Kurama's Hanfu in place;

-Hanfu is so  highlights the sexy silhouette of our yummy boys...- Shiori loves how Byakuya looks like now- You are divine...
-Hahaha you exaggerated it!
-I don't think so...- Shiori hugs Byakuya.
-Well, let's book the rooms then?
-Hey, stop! Are not we going to see how the Hanfu will look like on Youko?- Botan smiles.
-Oh, that's true, hahaha. He's crazy to come out-Shuichi smiles.
-So let him come, Kurama.- Yomi smiles.

Kurama switch to Youko. Despite the beefier body, the Hanfu clothing matched with him perfectly;

-Hahaha you look beautiful!-Botan goes and hugs him.
-Yeah... I enjoyed wearing that outfit. So comfortable.

Yomi goes ahead, and his friends go along with him to the front desk. A rather curious fellow noticed Yomi's group, especially Youko. He stares at them, which forces Youko to look at him as well. As soon as they made eye contact, Youko stops suddenly, startling Botan;

-Any problem, my fox?
-Kuro... is it... Kuronue?
-Kuro what?- Botan stranges the name.
-What happened, Kurama, why did you stop suddenly?- Yomi turns to him.

Kurama left Botan's hand, and runs to that individual, who stands up. Youko embraces him without even introducing himself;

-Kurama? I did not expect to meet you here! How long!- Kuronue rejoices.
-How are you? We have not seen each other for a hundred years !!!
-Hahaha, true. I'm fine, I gave up the thug life after I was morally recovered, today I'm living in the human world. And that tall guy with closed eyes, who is he?

Kurama feels his spine freezing. If he reveals Yomi's real name, Kuronue may be furious;

-Ah, he's.... he's Mitsui!
-Mitsui? What a strange name.

 Kuronue comes closer to Yomi, and looks at him;

-Mitsui, why are you keeping your eyes closed?
-Mitsui?-Yomi distrusts.
-Yes, you! Hahaha! Kurama has the habit of arranging some strange friends...

Botan, Byakuya and Shiori watch Youko miming, ordering them to stay silent, which they end up obeying;

-How strange, youko didn't tell Yomi's real name to him! It means something serious might happen if he does so... - Botan analyzes.

-So, are you here in transit, or are you going to stay a while, Kurama?- Kuronue snuggles up to him.
-I'm going to stay here for three days with my friends... the story of how I got to them is very long and ...
-I want to hear.- Kuronue smiles.
-It's all right...

Kurama must lie to Kuronue if he doesn't want to make him angry. This fact would be unpredictable, for him, Kuronue was dead, and had lost some of the attractiveness over the years. Yomi can recognize Kuronue, but not his smell or energy pattern, which today is quite different.
Kuronue was always a faithful partner in the search for sacred and rare objects, until being replaced by Yomi, who was more competent. However, they both hated each other and could not live together, which provoked constant protests from Kurama, who was trying to mediate the conflict.
In the end, Kurama lost Kuronue in a tragic death, and Yomi betrayed him. As revenge, Kurama, then Youko, sent a subordinate to blind Yomi and halt his progress. Soon after being severely wounded by a Reikai guard, Youko went to Earth to reincarnate as Shuichi.
The relaxing trip proposed by Yomi has turned into a nightmare for Kurama, because in addition to finding an old friend, which would be a good thing, Yomi is together and is Kuronue's potential enemy. Kurama cannot even switch to Shuichi now, as that would upset Kuronue. The minefield was set.
Later, Botan noticed that Kuronue spent the entire time with Youko, both always alone. Everyone was surprised at Kurama's behavior;

-But what the hell happened to my fox? He doesn't want to be with me, after he met that guy, he keeps on staying with him!- Botan complains.

-Hahaha, I don't know who that guy is, Botan. His energy seems similar to Youko's.
-So he's a youkai!- Botan jumps up.
-Hahaha why so much dread, Botan? He doesn't look bad to me.
-Yes, it's not, but I'm always suspicious.
-You're right doing that.

Shiori and Byakuya analyze Youko's strange behaviour:

-They're old acquaintances by the way, Shiori, and they haven't met each other for a long time.
-It's true, I think so, my dear ...

Kuronue's clothing is much simpler than the others are using, but stills very elegant;

-And then, Youko, how did you meet these friends and how did you cross the barrier and stop on Earth?
-Well, it was kind of a complicated story, and, frankly, it's been so long since I came here so I cannot even remember everything...
-Well, I came here after I was healed. I have reborn, in fact. That day when I was killed in that bamboo trap, I was healed by someone, and I lived a couple of days after that incident! It was relatively easy to cross over the youkai barrier, my youki energy was so low that not even a monster I could be considered that time.
-How interesting, I crossed the barrier because I become a S-class  youkai.
-ARE YOU S-CLASS?- Kuronue is surprised.
-Yes, after a hard and continuous training, I raised my energy level..- Youko's hair floats as if it was in water.
-How cool Youko! Imagine what we could have done back then! Maybe we could have even destroyed Yomi!

 Youko lowers his head, he would not accept someone being that disrespectful to Yomi, but for Kuronue, he should tolerate it;

-I left him blind ... maybe he died later.
-Wow, Youko, incredible! You killed Yomi, reached the S-class level and managed to come to Earth! So you did a lot of robberies here, didn't you?
-Actually just a few. There are no valuable objects lying around here.
-Well, I came and I gave up the thug life just because of that. I ended up in a family that took good care of me for a while, until I decided to be independent.
-Oh really? And what happened to your family?
-I do not know ... one day I fell sleep, and the next morning, everyone was dead... there were bullet marks on everyone's body, including mine, but as I'm a youkai, it did not do anything to me except scratches.
-How sad, Kuronue ...
-Yes, that was ... but I raised my head and moved on.
-You came to live in Yomitan, too?
-No, I went to Huangguang because the elected mayor of Yomitan at the time, oddly, was called Yomi, and it seems to me that he had a pupil named Shuichi Minamino. If I could, I would have killed both!
-Hahaha, what a... coincidence...- Inside Youko, Shuichi gets terrified.
-He wants to kill us, Youko !!!

-Do not worry, Shuichi, I'll protect you.
-The strangest thing is that Yomitan developed very fast after Yomi took office, and many people from Huangguang went to live there. Yomi might well be a reincarnation of the one we knew, and he is also blind from what I've heard. Bastard!

Youko's anger explodes, and he takes Kuronue by the collar, but soon returns to his position and calms down;

-... please Kuronue, restrain yourself, we are in a sacred place...
-Oh, yes, sorry! I'm sorry that nothing different comes into my head when I hear that name.

Despite the distance he was, Yomi can hear the whole conversation, becoming very discouraged. He goes to Youko, and puts his hand over his shoulder;

-Youko, may we talk to each other for a moment?
-Yes, Mitsui.
-Do not take too long, horby specimen! I have a lot to talk with my friend about.
-This is a temple, not a ring.- Yomi answers.
-Hey, how dare you! Come back here, I'll give you a try too! -Kuronue gets annoyed, but is restrained by one of the temple's inhabitants;
-Please, no shouting, my students are meditating.
-Ah okay! -Kuronue frowns, but behaves.

Yomi and Kurama go through a long corridor, heading to a bench where the sea can be seen;

-Sit down, Kurama.
-Of course.

Yomi and Youko sit side by side;

-Kurama, that boy called Kuronue, do you know him? He said some bullshit about me, and about you.
-Yomi, ah...
-Why did you call me by a nickname now? You known that I am not mad at you, but I fear for your safety.
-Well, I... I...

Youko switches to Shuichi, who stares at Yomi. A tear trickles down his eyes, and he hugs Yomi tightly, surprising him;

-Yomi... please... could you promise you'll stay by my side, no matter what happens?
-I love you, Kurama, you're like a son to me, the one who I must love and protect...- Yomi tightens his hug.
-Oh... right... that boy is... that boy is...
-Who is he, please, tell me.
-His name is Kuronue... Kuronue was my burglary partner before you arrived... you hated each other at the time and he wanted to kill you.... and because of him, I had to take away your sight..- Shuichi's crying intensifies.

Yomi freezes. He gets furious, his energy rises so much that his hair float. He puts his hands on Shuichi's neck, closing them as if he wants to hang him;

-No... don't kill me Yomi... do not kill me! - Shuichi despairs, while youko just watches, calmly;
-This is bullshit, Yomi would never do it.- He thinks.
-No ... no, I don't!!! - Shuichi keep hugging Yomi all time.

Shuichi tightens his hug on Yomi, and kisses him on the cheek. Yomi turns red, embarrassed by what happened, and it causes his power level to drop and return to normal in a few seconds. Shuichi stands firmly, kissing Yomi's cheek;


Yomi caresses Shuichi's nape;

-I'm sorry... I'm sorry ...

Shuichi moves his face away from Yomi's, caressing his ears;

-I'm with you, Yomi... and only with you and no one else...
-I trust you...

They hug themselves again. Botan, Shiori and Byakuya arrive without warning;

-Hey, Kurama, what are you doing over Yomi's lap in a so beautiful place? Hahaha come to me!- Botan mocks Kurama.

Both Kurama and Yomi blush from embarrassment at being caught in a such intimate moment;

-I, err ... I almost fell off the railing and Yomi saved me from falling down...- Shuichi tries to get out of that embarrassing situation.
-Hahaha you don't need to invent anything. I know Yomi really likes you, and you really like him. Owwnnn my sweet fox! - Shiori goes to Shuichi and kisses him.
-Oh, mom, hahaha!

Yomi sets himself back to his typical seriousness and tranquility:

-I'll remind you that from today on, while Kuronue is here, I'm Mitsui, right? He's my old enemy, but he didn't realize that I'm alive yet. Remember it.
-Ok, Yomi, that's only it?
-Yeah, I do not wanna fight against him, by the way he hates me, he could put you at risk too.
-Wow! It's better to take care.- Botan smiles.
-Do it.
-Hey, Kuronue is coming, his KI is near, Shuichi, switch to Youko, do it fast!

 Kuronue reaches for them, appearing from the corner of the hallway. Kurama had already switched to Youko, but he had switched so fast that his hair was over Yomi's face, curling up in his horns;

-Hey Kurama, what happened here? Why are you over Mitsui's lap?
-I...well... hahaha, I stepped up on the bench to see the landscape better and I slipped, and Mitsui held me so I haven't fallen down.
-Ok... so he did something useful. Let's go then!
-Hahaha calm down Kuronue, I have not even been to my room, my friends are hungry and want to take a good shower ...
-Ok, alright Kurama ... in an hour I'll look for you!
-Oh Kuronue, this is such a little amount of time to me!
-LOOK THE SIZE OF MY HAIR, IT TAKES AN HOUR JUST TO Wash IT! -Youko gets angry, and Botan laughs.
-Youko, less! You do not need to yell as fuck as that.. well, see you in the next opportunity then.
-Okay, kuronue, have a good time.
-See you.
Kuronue left the hallway. Shiori looks at him as he disappears;
-What a bad boy...
-Well, I want some more clarifications, Youko.- Yomi smiles.
-Yes, but first let's go to check our rooms, ok?
-No problem.

*Grammar checked on Feb. 7, 2020

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