Chapter 55- Argument Versus Fact

Byakuya's blood paints Kuronue's dagger. He's desolate, lying on his bed, and wondering how intense the criticism he will receive from Youko's friends, and especially Youko himself, who is very different today and no longer admits this;

-What I did... why I gone to that point... everything because Yomi, that damn... if he had not knocked me down ... if Youko was heard me more... and if Youko had just killed Yomi instead of just blind him... today youko would be mine...

Shiori enters Kuronue's bedroom, and stares him in that state. She gone closer;

-Kuronue, hi? All right?
-Hi... -Kuronue now controls himself, and left his dagger fell down the floor.
-Why are you so sad ... and all this blood on the floor, what happened? AAAHH!- Shiori despairs.- You're hurt, we need to go to the emergency! Oh, but I don't think we have it here...
-Shiori, please, go to the garden, and look for Byakuya...
-Byakuya? He…
-Go, please do it ...
-Byakuya... BYAKUYA !!!

Shiori runs through the temple garden madly, stopping everyone she meets;

-A medical center, a hospital, an emergency, something!!!!

 Shizu appears again and runs to her;

-Oh, Mr. Shiori, I'll give you the way, why are you despaired?

Shiori hugs Shizu tightly, blushing him;

-Ahh Shizu...I think Byakuya was injured, and I need to find him.
-Yes, unfortunately. The injuries were serious, but he seems to be in a stable situation, we still do not know how that was possible, but we believe that in a few hours he will be fine.
-Ah, that's good! But I want to see him, please... I know it's not accepted in some places, -We don't have this problem here, hahaha, just follow me.

Shiori holds Shizu's left hand as he walks with him, watching his beautiful black hair waving on the wind. The scene is beautiful to her, but she just wants to be beside Byakuya for now.
Shizu and Shiori arrive until the bed where Byakuya is resting quietly in a few moments later. His left arm was exposed to be treated, but now only a small scar is apparent, although his skin underneath got purple in some parts because the healing of internal bleedings is slower. Shiori goes at him and caresses his forehead;

-Oh Byakuya...

She looks the wounds more closely, and even becomes frightened to see tiny parts of the wound being regenerated at an accelerated pace like a crowded anthill;

-We still don't know for sure what this boy has, his healing power is unusual...-Shizu is astonished, too.
-Ah... I give him many vitamins... he's my boyfriend, we'll soon be engaged, but I'll take care of him as if he were my son.- Shiori smiles.

After a few minutes, the rebuilding of the injured parts of Byakuya's arm is complete, and, except for the redness, it does not look like there was a cut there because no scars was left. His energy rises again, and he opens his eyes slowly, smiling as he sees Shiori and Shizu staring at him;

-Hi my love... I'm better now, with you here ...

Shiori kisses him on the lips, but quickly;

-Aaahh, my beautiful youkai !!! You don't know how worried I was!
- Yes, I thought that blow could kill me... I didn't come prepared for this, otherwise I would not even need medical help...
-What!- Shizu jumps up.
-Shizu, Byakuya behaves in this way, hahaha! He always overestimates his healing ability after catching several colds, healing them without taking medication.- Shiori blinks at Byakuya.
-Oh okay... hahaha, no one would survive such a wound.
-Oh, yes, it's true, hahaha!- Byakuya agrees after understanding what Shiori meant.

Byakuya gets up from the bed, with Shiori's help, and stands up. As expected, the short sleep that he had recovered him so much that neither it seems that he has his arm injured by a dagger:

-Shizu, thank you again for your attention and promptness, we are honored- Byakuya thanks Shizu with a handshake.
-You're welcome, this is just my duty.

Shiori smiles, and leaves with Byakuya, going to their apartment. Shura, Kurama, and Botan were playing with some flowers, while Yomi straddles himself in a column. When they see them, Kurama gets scared by the blood marks in Byakuya's clothes;
-Hey, Byakuya, where did this blood come from? Shiori, you know something?
-Well, I... I'm not sure if I should tell you what happened, because I know it's going to hurt someone who did it with no real intention, but by carelessness... my dear, tell him everything.- Byakuya turns away.
-Well, the blood came from Byakuya and...

Shiori jumps over Kurama, grabbing him by the neck;

-IT'S ALL BLAME OF YOUR NEW FRIEND! He almost killed Byakuya, according to his own confession, by carelessness.
-What? Kuronue attacked Byakuya? But for what purpose, if they didn't even know each other for a long time?
-Ah, from what he told me, Kuronue reacted only with his presence.
-Byakuya's luck is that he is a very long-lived Youkai who always looks like the same, and has the most advanced means of healing, a cut in his arm will result in bleeding, but once stopped, it will became brand new in just a few minutes. I know cases of youkais like him who have fully recovered after being deadly struck by an arrow in only 90 seconds. - Yomi goes to Byakuya.
-Kuronue is getting out of control, Yomi, something I had mentioned to you. Since we're all here, please, I want everyone to keep their eyes open about him. He is very unstable normally, and now, the situation is even worse.
-Well, now I'll go talk to him alone. I don't want anyone near us the next hour, understood?
-I'll be within a 100-meter radius from you, Kurama. I'll not leave you in such a risky situation alone.
-Thank you, Yomi.

Kurama walks to the temple, and enters. He climbs the stairs up to the room where Kuronue is, Byakuya's blood still paints some parts of the floor. And Kuronue is still lying in bed;

-Kuronue, we need to talk.- Youko enters the bedroom.
-I already know what it's about...
-Kuronue, do you know the gravity of what you did? How do you want my friends to trust you now?
-I did it accidentally, Youko...
-How will you prove it was accidental? Byakuya defends you and says the same, but no one hits a dagger at someone by accident, you reacted to something....
-I reacted on impulse because Byakuya came into my bedroom!
-Yes, but did he does you any harm? As far as I know, Byakuya is incapable of hurting anyone.
-No, he did not provoked me... but as you know, I was very upset, and when it happens, I totally lose control.
-Fortunately, Byakuya didn't sued you, otherwise you'd go to jail.

Youko sits closer to Kuronue, caressing his face;

-Kuronue, look at me ...
-Why don't you accept the facts and keep the friendship with me? You have nothing to lose...
-I have... because you will always prefer Yomi more than I...
-Ah Kuronue... that's silly. If you haven't noticed, the blue-haired girl is my girlfriend.
-Really? Doesn't Yomi complain about that?
-Hahaha, of course he didn't! I've no deep love relationship with Yomi, we are just close friends.
-I cannot understand how he can be a so close friend like that... and why is he so calm?
-Yomi has changed a lot, not just in the look, but in the way of acting and thinking. He is much more tactical and friendly now, he has a son for whom he would give his own life, and receives admiration from all sides ...
-Anyway, he still Yomi...
-Stop it, Kuronue, how stubborn you are! Even I'm not the same since that time, as you can see.
-It will take a long time for this to be accepted by me, Kurama... and by then, I'll protect you.
Youko knows that this polarization that Kuronue is creating could both lead him and Yomi to a confrontation or cause problems for his friends, potential victims, such as Byakuya's case. Comfort Kuronue in some way is mandatory, knowing that taking him to Yomitan is not an option as long as he doesn't accept Yomi, a null chance.

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