Chapter 74 - Yomi opens his eyes

Accompanied by Kagura, Kuronue and Youko went to the kitchen. She was impressed with all the infrastructure and cleanliness of Yomitan, and Kuronue was incredulous that all that only existed because of Yomi. As soon as they arrive, Youko introduces them to his friends; 

-Hi, Kuronue is back, and he brought his wife with him, Kagura. 

Byakuya is, by far, the one who feels the most correspondence when he sees Kuronue's wife, who also gets a little scared when she sees him;

-You're the same age as me, right? Have you ever been a spiritual detective?-He asks.
-Yes, we were born at the same time, but on that occasion I failed.-She smiles.
-Well, Youko, now explain to me what's up.- Kuronue leans on him.
-Today, Yomi is going to the spirit world, and there, he's going to have his sight healed. The moment is unique, and that's why I invited you.
-But this is just amazing!!! Of course, I wouldn't miss it!- Kuronue celebrates. 

Youko smiles at Kuronue; 

-Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go now!- Kurama gives Botan a peck. 
-Yes… Koenma, help me with this.-Botan starts to open the portal to the spirit world.

Koenma and Botan open the portal, but Koenma controls it. Due to the high number of people who will pass, six, this required a very large amount of energy on their part; 

-Let's go!

The arrival in the spirit world happened this time in a place different from any other that Kurama or even Botan knew. Koenma chose it because it was far from the reikai temple, and in a way, because of its exuberant beauty. A team of spiritual doctors, wearing white kimonos, was waiting around a kind of bed made with bamboo and straw, on a green lawn, close to a crystalline river over which there was some morning mist floating around; 

-What a fantastic place Koenma! Show me more in your free time, hahaha!- Botan smiles. 
-It is very likely that not even dad knows this place. Ah, Youko, take Yomi to bed, please. 
-Yes right now!

Kurama, before taking Yomi's hand, transforms into Shuichi, fulfilling Youko's request. Yomi maintains a very serene expression;

-Come on, Yomi… open these eyes.
-Yes… I want to see you. 

Yomi lays down on that bed. His friends are told to keep some distance, but Shuichi remains close to him. His feelings surface more and more, and his eyes get teary as the team approaches Yomi; 

-Are you sure you want to do this? We cannot guarantee this procedure is 100% safe.- One of the team members speaks. 
-I've come a long way to go back… just do your best, please… 
-As you desire.

The five team members place their hands one on top of the other, just above Yomi's eyes, but without touching his face. They begin to glow brightly, and a beam illuminates the youkai's face, who groans. Shuichi is unable to see him because of the beam's brightness, which goes even brighter as time goes by. A dark liquid comes out of Yomi's eyes, running down his face, dripping onto the ground. Yomi tries not to react to the intense pain he feels, almost as intense as when his eyes were punctured.
The procedure of the spirit world team lasts several minutes. A considerable amount of dark liquid came out of Yomi's eyes, but everything seemed to be going smoothly. The doctors stop that energy beam and help Yomi to sit on the bed, his face is then cleaned with a damp cloth;

-Please, don't opens your eyes yet, it is still way too bright and you may get hurt. 

One of the doctors takes one of Shuichi's hands, guiding it towards Yomi's face:

-Cover his eyes.

Shuichi is in tears, and does what the doctor tells him, sliding his hands carefully over Yomi's face, and thus, covering his eyes;

-Now, slowly open your eyes, very slowly...- Yomi is guided by the spiritual doctor. 

Yomi follows the recommendation. He does indeed see that his eyes have been restored, as he can see the faint beam of light that pierces through Shuichi's fingers; 

-Shuichi, now it's your turn. You will have to remove your fingers, one by one, from Yomi's face, very carefully. 
-It''s okay... 

Shuichi opens his fingers, slowly. Yomi's beautiful "new" golden eyes are being revealed, and the emotion only increases. Shuichi's friends are allowed to come closer to watch the scene, and they fall silent.
As soon as he can completely remove his hands from Yomi's face, they both look at each other for a few seconds. All of Yomi's tranquillity remained, but now, he can see.
Suddenly, both exchange a strong hug. Both Yomi and Shuichi cry compulsively, after all, an entire emotional load was being released; 

-Daddy!!! Daddy!!!- Shura runs to Yomi. 
-Aaahh how beautiful!!!- Botan gets emotional. 
-How cool, Yomi now has a sixth sense, hahaha!- Koenma celebrates. 
-Who could've seen that coming, hahaha! If Yomi was able to perform so well while blind, imagine what he can do from now on! -Kuronue praises. 

Shuichi and Yomi walk away, exchanging glances; 

-Your eyes… they came back… 
-Shuichi… I never imagined that you were so similar to Youko… 
-Because now you can see me, and I can see inside your eyes too… 

Yomi slides his hand over Shuichi's face;

-Your eyes are green… and mine?
-Gold… and that reminds me of something. 

Kurama changes to Youko form; 

-Yomi, I'm sorry, I was wrong...-Youko hugs Yomi tightly. 

Yomi caresses Youko on the back of his neck, moving his hand through his silver hair; 

-Youko… we were children, we were children… that's in the past, you're not to blame anymore… friend… just promise you'll stand by my side.

Youko lifts his head and looks at Yomi, bringing his face closer to his, kissing him. His friends chuckle at the scene; 

-I have no other way to answer, Yomi… you like me so much that you even copied my eyes… 

Yomi puts his nose against Youko's, closing his eyes; 

-You always guess my wishes, Youko… 

Shura comes running to Yomi; 

-Daddy, daddy!!! 

Yomi turns around and, upon seeing his son, immediately picks him up;

-Shuraaaa!!!Ah, Shura… it's good to see you, how fantastic you are!!!
-Daddy, your eyes are the same as Youko's!!! Hahahaha!!!
-Yes, they are golden like his… and your eyes are pink, and I think Shuichi could explain that…
-Ah daddy!!! 

Shura hugs Yomi tightly;
-Now we can have a normal life, my son… 

Kurama's other friends go to Yomi, and hug him at the same time; 
-Welcome back, Yomi!- 

Everyone celebrates. And, not least, Kuronue also went to apologize; 

-Yomi, you remember me… you must know that I haven't changed a thing, at least until Youko convinced me using a tactic that he must have not told you…

-Hahaha I already accepted you, Kuronue, in fact, you changed very little… And about that, you don't need to explain anything, I know perfectly well what happened.
-You…. You know… YOUKO, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!- Kuronue blushes and grabs Youko by his Kimono's collar.
-Hahaha he didn't tell me anything, Kuronue… it's been so long since we've been working together that I know exactly how Youko solve some problems.
-Well, if you know… Now you've changed a lot, Yomi.
-I still don't know how much I've changed… as soon as I arrive in Yomitan, I'm sure I'll look for a mirror.
-What are we waiting for! Let's go back!- Botan jumps up.
-Only a moment. 

Yomi goes to the team of spiritual doctors, and bows to them, which amazes everyone; 

-I don't know how to thank you for what you've done… I'm a new person just for being able to see again. 
-We only do our job as determined by Mr Koenma. We are happy that we were successful. 
-Anyway, thank you very much...

Yomi walks away. Koenma and Botan together open a portal to Yomitan, and ask for a hurry, as their energies are already low.  

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