Chapter 77 - Sealed fate (THE END)

Botan went downstairs with Koenma to meet Kurama, who was eating with Yomi, who was also happy to see what his favourite foods look like; 

-So, Yomi, can you imagine the colour of that shrimp dumpling?- Kurama looks at him and smiles. 
-Hahaha no, I could estimate what he looked like, but it's quite different from what I thought. 
-It's good that now you know, hahaha! 
-Don't tell me you've never seen a shrimp, Yomi?- Botan mocks. 
-Hahaha, it wasn't a dish that existed in my world, Botan.- He looks at her. 
-Oh yes, it's true! Hahaha. 

After supper, Shuichi whispered softly into Yomi's ears; 

-Yomi, don't forget, okay? I'll be there in about 5 minutes.
-Yes, Shuichi, I'll be waiting for you. Shura will not be there as well.

Yomi leaves the kitchen and goes to his room. Kurama helps Botan organize everything; 

-And then, my dear, you look a bit sad, what happened? 
-Ah Botan… nothing really, it's just from seeing Yomi recover… that moment was frozen in my mind. 
-Oh, my fiery and sentimental fox… yes, it was so beautiful to see, especially you putting your hands over Yomi's eyes and opening them slowly… hahaha, you were the first thing he saw in about 350 years! 
-Yes, that's true… and it was so good to see that my cruelty was repaired… but why didn't you do it before?
-Because it was part of the test, huh. Yomi was already able to do many things by himself, we thought Shura would help him, but he took the opposite course… well, at least all of that is now in the distant past… 

Shuichi feels a jolt when he hears “distant”, and a very unhappy memory comes to his mind, but now was not the time to bring it up. As soon as they finish doing the dishes, Kurama turns to Botan and gives her a kiss on the cheek;

-Take care, my dear peony… I'm going to Yomi now, and then we can sleep together again as Youko or Shuichi, whoever you want.

-I already know which one I'm going to pick...- Botan smiles.
-You, you fool! Hahaha, we will decide later, now go there, my love.- Botan returns the kiss with another.

Shuichi blushes but walks towards Yomi's room. Still smiling about what happened with Botan, he knocks on Yomi's door and opens it. Yomi is sitting on his bed, and looks at him; 

-Come on, Kurama…-Yomi smiles. 
-Of course! 

Kurama goes to Yomi at a normal pace, but suddenly runs and throws himself at him, knocking him down on the bed;

-Hahaha take it easy, Kurama. If you want to lie down, that's fine.- Yomi blinks his right eye.
-But of course, I want to do it, so I threw myself on you. Let's get it done later. Now, I want to sit on the bed with you by my side.-Kurama smiles.
-All right, what is the subject of this important conversation?

Yomi and Kurama move to sit on the edge of the mattress, without interrupting their conversation; 

-Yomi, I need you to tell me something, because this is weighing on me a lot... 
-Yes, Kurama, you know I'm someone you can fully trust. 
-Yomi… do you love me?

Kurama blushes, but his eyes shine. Yomi's face also blushes slightly, and he turns away; 

-Kurama… I don't know what to say exactly… And yes, I love you somehow…
-So… do I need to share my heart with two people?- Kurama thinks, still blushing.
-No need… you shouldn't love me on the same level that you love Botan, nor do things that you would only do with her… 

Yomi is silent for a moment. Kurama leans over and hugs him from the side;

-But I want… and I know you also want this to be real… 

Yomi turns to Kurama's side, allowing him to hug Yomi better; 

-I want it to work for Botan too, Kurama… and so, it will work for us, you can count on me to never leave you… 
-That's all I need to hear… 
-Kurama… count on me… now, I can see you… why don't we go up to the terrace? 
-Of course, Yomi… take me there… 

Yomi hugs Shuichi, and, using a special technique, he floats, heading towards the stairs, and arriving on the terrace in no time. Once there, he allows Shuichi to step aside for a bit. The wind shakes Yomi's black hair, which shines slightly in the moonlight;

-Let's sit down, Yomi… the night is so beautiful…
-And how… the first night I see in almost 350 years… 

Yomi and Shuichi sit on a bench, from where they see the city at night, with its yellowish lights being cut by beams of blue and white light. Shuichi hugs Yomi, and closes his eyes;

-It was so far away, Yomi… so… far away…
-What was so far away, Shuichi? 

Shuichi's eyes get teary, and he tightens the hug; 

-We were so far away… so far away… - Shuichi cries. 
-Ah Shuichi… 
-So far away… so far away… as if it were never going to arrive…. Yomi… 

A tear runs from Yomi's eyes when he understood what Shuichi meant to say. With some difficulty, he tries to express what he feels while surrounding Shuichi more and more;

-I always wanted to protect you… even at that time when we were just starting to do things together,
and I had no better option… it was either you… or it was the pain… and even though you were just using me as a tool… humiliating me the whole time… betraying me for Kuronue … blinding me… Youko… it hurts me… but… but… I always wanted to get close again… and bring happiness back… 
-Yomi… I was an idiot… I was a hypocrite… I was a monster… I don't want you to be a tool for me to abuse… I want… I want you to be my brother… to be a part of me….
-We are more than that… Kurama… we are one, we have always been one, and we will continue to be that… one… destined for the other… nothing will keep us apart again… 
-That's how it will be for me…-Shuichi pauses while crying-… so shall it be for Youko…

Yomi and Kurama stare at each other. Their tears drip like diamonds in the intense moonlight; 

-Count on me forever, Youko… and Shuichi… my son… 
-I'll never be far away again, and I'll never forget you!!!! 

Shuichi and Yomi embrace tightly before their purest feelings flow and seal their fate...

Youko and Yomi.
Yomi and Shuichi.
Always close.
Always together!


You read:

302 pages of Word document.
107,362 words.
614,699 characters.

The work of someone who loves Kurama and Yomi.

Thank you very much! 

-February 13th, 2023-

This fanfic is just a fan's work and has no intention to breach any copyright law. All the characters are the property of the original owners. This fanfic is also not protected by copyright, and as such, can be freely distributed anywhere at any time. Be polite and give credit. 

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